Donnerstag, 22. September 2016

Last night a poet saved my life... Salesmen, rappers and marble faces

It was more than two years ago, when moved to the apartment where I still live. The guy who lived there before, a salesman who enjoyed wearing t-shirts of metal bands, left Germany and his student life back, together with the furniture and some books, mostly uninteresting. One thing I found particularly attractive about that IKEA bookshelf, full of dusty thriller novels, economy manuals and souvenirs of Spain: Ovid's Metamorphoses.
The speculation about the story behind such an exception, an interruption in the pattern was soon replaced by an inextinguishable desire to make that moment, those stories, a starting point of the next chapter to my own, everchanging story, my metamorphosis.
 And indeed, I started my journey on that day At first fighting against fear of tomorrow and shadows of the past, always feeling something great was waiting for me, if I would just dare to go through the threshold. The last two years brought me in places I could not even imagine to step in. I was blessed.
Today I received an update from Youtube.
An italian rapper I follow, who started a project in which he describes with every rap song the heroic life (btw, I love that "Heldentaten" in German is the perfect translation of "res gestae"*) of a classic hero published his new creation about Ovid (link from Youtube below).

I sat and listened to it, feeling like the time had come to realize that my destination was here.
I am home. I always have been, I will always be.
Because my home, my roots are much older than I am, they are inside of me and all around.
A journey comes to end only when a new one is going to begin, though.

Therefore, let's start from there, from the beginning:
Before the seas, and this terrestrial ball,
And Heav'n's high canopy, that covers all,
One was the face of the Nature...

Isn't that beautiful?
Incipit of Ovid's Metamorphoses
Incipit of Ovid's Metamorphoses from from:

*it sounds perfect to me, it's not objectively perfect, of course.