Sonntag, 26. Februar 2017

The map is not the territory, image and self-image

Mirrors say the truth.
They display everything, conspire with the light to show a second you, ruthlessly.
That shape, that is not you, is the appearence of you.
Of your self.
So that's what everybody sees, when they look at you.
Maybe, maybe not.
Perhaps every one sees something else, adding their own features to yours, to make you fit better in their view, as if they were composing a painting.
They are no mirrors, after all.

So different than what you see from the inside, isn't it?
So unlike the self you know you are.

Now, that you realized it, how much do you care?
What are you going to do, to make the map more alike the territory or, at least, more similar of your own one?

Remember, whatever it is, that is, it is as it is, not as it should be.
Beyond evaluations.
Not good, not bad.
It just is.

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